
This is always the tricky part. Being the good singaporeans that we are, one of the most important questions is always "how much". Yes, it is important to know how much, for not everyone has a bottomless pit for a wallet, however, we would first like to make crystal clear our policy on money. We, as all good romantics are, believe that money is nothing but a means to obtain our hearts desires. If you are actually at this site, looking to create a wonderful experience for your loved one, then we think that you might want to give the following some thought. Money is earned to be spent. Money, while not easily obtained, can always be earned. However, time can't. Memories are made up of shared experiences, not the number of digits in your account balance. We believe that as long as its within a reasonable pre-determined portion of your budget, then it can never be too expensive. Having said that, we are strong advocates of intelligent and responsible budgeting; Never go for what you cannot afford, for that will ultimately be detrimental.

We will mould packages to individual budgets, looking to match your expectations with expenditure. As such, it would be quite difficult to come up with pricings to list on our little webbie. However, no budget can ever be too small or too large. We have done packages to date that vary from $50 to wildly extravagant budgets.